Environmental protection in JV «SMCC» LLP consists of compliance with the necessary measures aimed at ensuring favorable and safe conditions for human life. The most important environmental factors in production are atmospheric air, water, and soil. Environmental protection provides for the conservation and restoration of natural resources, in order to prevent direct and indirect negative impact of the results of the company's activities on nature and human health.
The company's activities in the field of environmental protection are carried out on the basis of the requirements of the Environmental Code and compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Environmental management
The main priority in the production activities of the Partnership is to minimize the negative impact on the environment and develop a set of measures to protect it. Since 2020, the Partnership has been developing an Action Plan for the implementation of the ESAP Roadmap of JV «SMCC» LLP, which defines key measures to bring the existing system of occupational safety, industrial and radiation safety, environmental protection in line with advanced international industry practices and standards. The action plan for the implementation of the ESAP Roadmap of JV «SMCC» LLP covers sections in terms of the corporate sphere, monitoring of water, soil and air, ecology (vegetation, wild animals, nomadic livestock), social sphere and interaction with stakeholders, waste management (disposal and utilization), planning the completion of the life cycle of the enterprise (closure/liquidation).
The implementation of industrial environmental control of the environment at production facilities is carried out on the basis of the approved Environmental Monitoring Program of JV «SMCC» LLP for 2022-2024. Environmental monitoring allows you to assess the impact of an object on the state of the environment in dynamics and develop a set of measures in case of a negative impact.
The environmental control program of JV «SMCC» LLP covers the following parameters:
-monitoring of atmospheric air;
- monitoring of water resources;
-monitoring of soils, land resources;
- production waste.
The Partnership has successfully passed certification in an international organization and has a certificate of compliance with the international standard ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System, ISO 50001-2012 Energy Management System. The Partnership has a Procedure for identifying and evaluating environmental aspects in order to identify, rank environmental aspects and ensure further planning of the environmental management system.
Environmental risk management in the Partnership is carried out according to the developed and established priorities for risk categories. In order to prevent and minimize risks, risk monitoring and analysis activities are carried out on a regular basis at production sites aimed at compliance with environmental legislation and identifying the causes of possible inconsistencies. The systematic inspection of pipeline tightness and technical inspection of ventilation systems, timely maintenance of mini-boilers are carried out. A special control is paid to the technological process of wastewater treatment and tracking the quality of wastewater after biological treatment.
The work in terms of internal production control and methodological guidance on environmental protection and radiation safety issues is carried out by the industrial safety sectors of the “Akdala” and “Yuzhny Inkai” mines (hereinafter referred to as the mines), that subordinate to the Department of Industrial Safety, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, decisions and administrative documents of the founders and internal regulatory documents of the Partnership. Internal inspections for compliance with environmental requirements and radiation safety cover all divisions of the main and auxiliary production, as well as contractors.
Environmental impact
Atmospheric air.
In the process of carrying out production activities for the extraction of uranium at mines, the method of underground borehole leaching (UBL) is used, with further processing of technological solutions and obtaining finished products in the form of nitrous oxide-uranium oxide. The UBL method is the most environmentally friendly way of mining and processing uranium. The uranium mining by the UBL method does not have a "significant" impact on the atmosphere compared to other industries. The technology of underground borehole leaching is based on the movement of technological solutions through sealed pipelines, the use of submersible pumps that do not allow pollutants to enter the atmosphere. The emissions from the main production into the environment are minimal. The main part of emissions comes from auxiliary production (heating of premises, transport).
Emissions into the atmospheric air are regulated by the project of permissible emissions, for which the conclusion of the state environmental expertise has been obtained and a permit for emissions into the environment has been issued.
On a quarterly basis, industrial environmental monitoring is carried out at the production facilities of JV «SMCC» LLP at stationary emission sources. Based on the results of measurements, the contractor draws up measurement protocols indicating the actual emissions in comparison with the maximum permissible emissions.
In 2022 at the «Yuzhny Inkai» mine, measures were taken to introduce technological solutions that optimize fuel combustion modes, boiler commissioning, measures to modernize the existing compressor and boiler room for hot water production, due to heat extraction from the compressor cooling system, the emission standards of pollutants according to the draft maximum permissible emissions decreased for such substances like: nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon, sulfur dioxide, carbon oxide. According to the approved permit for emissions into the environment, the total reduction in the emission standards of pollutants for 2022 at the «Yuzhny Inkai» mine amounted to 3.164059 tons. It is an indicator of a decrease in the level of harmful effects on atmospheric air during the production activities of the «Yuzhny Inkai» mine.
Water resources
Groundwater intake for mines is carried out on the basis of permits for special water use issued by the Shu-Talas Basin Inspectorate for the Regulation of the Use and Protection of Water Resources. Wastewater discharge is carried out on the basis of projects of permissible discharges that have passed state environmental expertise, on the basis of which permits for emissions into the environment have been issued. Also, during the study of water samples, monitoring is carried out in accordance with ST NAC 17.4-2021 "Methodological guidelines for the organization of monitoring the effects of UBL on groundwater and groundwater of uranium deposits". On a quarterly basis, studies of water from household wells are carried out.
Household wastewater generated at the mines is sent to biological wastewater treatment plants. The operation of biological treatment plants is monitored on an ongoing basis. Wastewater samples are taken quarterly before and after treatment to investigate and verify the effectiveness of biological treatment plants. The wastewater that enters the treatment undergoes primary mechanical treatment and then biological treatment. Purified water accumulates in a storage pond.
Land resources.
Waste management is carried out on the basis of the Environmental Code No. 400-VI of 02.01.2021, "Rules for the accounting of production and consumption waste" No. 312 of 11.07.2016, "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the collection, use, application, neutralization, transportation, storage and disposal of production and consumption waste" No. 331/2020 of 25.12.2020. For the production activities of the mines, materials are purchased in the form of polyethylene pipes, submersible pumps, protective casings, ammonium nitrate, pipework, flow meters, pressure gauges, pump control cabinets. The waste generated by the use of the above materials is not dangerous.
The service life of these materials varies from 5 to 10 years, except for submersible pumps, which may fail after 2 years of operation. Materials are reused at the end of their useful life according to internal documents. Also, when using materials, radioactive waste can be formed. The generated radioactive waste is sent for disposal/ disposal under an agreement with a specialized contractor.
Climate change
To date, within the framework of the current state policy in the field of environmental safety, the Strategy for achieving Carbon Neutrality of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2060 has been approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main goal of the Strategy is to achieve sustainable development of Kazakhstan's economy to climate change and carbon neutrality by 2060.
Within the framework of the approved Strategy, measures are being taken in JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom" to achieve carbon neutrality, since the fundamental principles of the Policy of JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom" in the field of occupational safety, environmental protection, nuclear and radiation safety are the priority of human health and environmental safety in relation to the result of production activities.
In this regard, the Partnership has developed an Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the period from 2023 to 2030, research works on integrated environmental and social research and optimization of waste management processes are being carried out.
Environmental and social communications
The Partnership approved the Procedure "Plan of Interaction with Interested Parties" and the Procedure "Exchange of environmental information and Complaint Mechanism" for interaction with interested parties by Order of the Director General. Every year, the production facilities of the Partnership take part in the environmental action "Earth Hour" and holds events for the World Environment Day (WDE). The events are held to form a positive environmental culture and awareness of employees about environmental problems at the production sites of JV «SMCC» LLP. Within the framework of the WDE, activities are organized to interact with interested parties. So, in 2023, for this purpose, the management and specialists of the Southern Inkai mine held an educational "Ecological Hour" at the secondary school of the village of Taikonyr. A conversation was held with schoolchildren about the importance of caring for nature and the goals of holding events around the world within the framework of the WDE were outlined, games were held on situations and actions that happen or may happen to a person when interacting with the environment. A competition was held among the population in the nomination "The best green yard" of the village of Taikonyr.